jueves, 11 de diciembre de 2008

martes, 9 de diciembre de 2008

CU9 mi descripcion

My name´s Elsa Gpe. Ricalday Almaguer. My address: 118 Perales street
My favorite class is the organic chemistry, is an interesting and a very good class, it help me for being best professional, in my school,Conchita is the teacher that I like it. She´s dedicated and during the semester she teach a lot even the semester was very short.

reflexion CU9

repasare las compentencia y sabre que tanto me han servido o cuanto las he podido emplear en dia a dia.
a demas de que con los conocimientos ya obtenidos a lo largo de mi curso podre ser capaz de describirme tanto ami cmo a otra persona.

y podre dar una opinion acerca de lo mucho o lo poco que me ha servido este curso en mi desarrollo profesional.


CU8 dialogo

CU8 PE directions”

The library of UJED is very important both for faculty and for my career and helps me to gain knowledge pertaining to my career as any other field of study that requires expanding.
To get to the library from which I just walk around 10 meters toward the left side.